HTC Hero ROM : Modaco custom ROM 2.1

Paul di MoDaCo ha rilasciato una nuova versione della sua ROM Custom per HTC HERO!

Siu tratta della versione 2.1.

Ecco il changeLog :

Rooted with ‘adb remount’ permission and superuser APK
– A2SD included (fully automatic – thanks cyanogen!) – create a EXT3 partition as your second partition to use. dalvik-cache remains on device. EXT4 is NOT supported.
– Added Jbed Java
– Added Spare Parts (run it and switch the 2 animation types to ‘fast’ for an even better experience!)
– Added Custom Locale for setting non english Locales
– Added android-wifi-tether 1.52 (props to the developer, this is a great app!)
– Added WMSM
– Added busybox 1.15 – tweaked such that ‘get information’ in Swapper now works as desired
– Added nano 2.09 – text editor for use in shell mode
– Added terminfo and settings to boot.img to allow nano etc. use
– Added tun.ko file (untested, please report on whether this is useful)
– Added files required for Debian linux [edit: this seems to be broken for some reason, investigating!] – Moved Quickoffice to data partition to allow easy uninstall
– Deleted ‘Learn More’ application
– Deleted Maps application – install from the Android Market to always stay up to date
– ROM now includes touch focus in Camera app
– ROM now supports shortcuts using BetterCut (and therefore I assume anycut!) in Rosie
– Silenced boot sound (it’s still there and can be reactivated with a file edit)
– You can now check your MoDaCo Custom ROM (MCR) version from the about menu. It will display MCR2.0 (core) or MCR2.0e (enhanced).
– Fix for HTC Peep on Vodafone is now available here


Per installarla, se avete una ROM originale 1.x dovete prt forza effettuare un WIPE !

Se invece avete seguito la mia GUIDA (clicca QUI) e avete già una ROM 2.x, basterà scaricare la ROM ed effettuare un semplice Update.

Qui il link della ROM

L’ ho appena installata e la sto testando!

A Presto!!

About Diego Cervia

Diego Cervia, 38 anni di Sarzana (SP) Ho aperto questo blog nel lontano 2008 perchè la mia passione sono gli smartphone (nel 2008 erano cellulari!) e le nuove tecnologie, con uno sguardo ai droni e alla domotica. Metto a disposizione le mie conoscenze e cerco di aiutare ad utilizzare al meglio i propri device. Se hai bisogno di qualche informazione, contattami!

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