Giusto ieri ho pubblicato la prima beta del FW Android 4.3 per samsung Galaxy S III, ma a quanto pare Samsung ha già le idee chiare.
Android 4.3 è arrivato sui device Irlandesi (Vodafone) ed è prossimo al rilascio anche in Italia. (Potrebbe essere questioni di giorni o settimane)
Le novità sono parecchie.
Ecco un changelog
- TRIM Support (Makes the device much faster)
- ANT+ Support
- Core UI elements updated to the ones on the Galaxy S4 (Galaxy S4′s theme all over)
- New Samsung Keyboard
- GPU drivers have been updated (Higher GPU benchmark scores)
- New Lockscreen: Multiple Widgets, improved ripple effect than Android 4.1.2, ability to change clock size and set a personal message
- New Screen modes (From S4): Adapt Display and Professional Photo
- Daydream
- Driving mode
- Actionable notifications
- Move-to-SD-card feature
- New Camera mode : Sound and Shot
- New Additions in Notification Centre
- Completely revamped Settings UI (Tabbed interface – Exactly like the Galaxy S4)
- Implementation of Voice controls (Let’s you control various parts of the phone using voice commands – Galaxy S4 feature)
- New Samsung Apps: Calculator, Clock, Contacts, Gallery, Music
- Full screen Samsung apps
- New S-Voice (from Galaxy S4)
Per chi volesse installare il FW Irlandese, ecco il file da flashare con ODIN.
A presto!
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